Dr. Goodman discusses ways he promotes patients' comfort and relaxation. By building a level of trust with his patients and opening the door for communication, Dr. Goodman is able to make patients feel comfortable at his practice. The team at Dr. Goodman's practice does everything it can to make
dental visits as comfortable as possible for patients.
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Woman: I would say that if you are afraid to go to the dentist then
you don't have to worry with Dr. Goodman. You go to Dr. Goodman.
He makes you feel very comfortable and relaxed. If he has to
deaden your gums in order to do some kind of work on it, you
don't even feel the needle. You are just so relaxed. He is just
very, very good at what he does.
Man: The one thing I have found out over the years and trying to deal with
the anxiety is basically establishing trust and communicating.
Getting to know people as people before you start working on
them is one of the best remedies for anxiety.
Woman: Dentistry is just one of those fields where people are scared a
lot. We have lots of patients who deal with that all the time
and have fear of coming in. So, we do everything we can to make
these visits as comfortable as possible for patients. It's
really gratifying to see patients start where they are in tears
and crying and are scared, to coming in every three to six
months and just laughing and joking and are totally changed
because of it.