Implant-Supported Crowns Offer Natural-Looking, Stable Tooth Replacement
Losing a single tooth can significantly impact your life, creating a gap in your smile and limiting your ability to speak properly and chew food with ease. Implant-supported crowns are a stable, long-lasting replacement for a single missing tooth. John Goodman, D.D.S. of Kansas City, MO, has over two decades of experience restoring patients’ smiles with natural-looking implant-supported crowns. Whether you have lost a tooth recently or have a badly damaged tooth that requires extraction, Dr. Goodman can provide a natural-looking, lifelike replacement that receives unparalleled support from a dental implant.
The Importance of Replacing Lost Teeth
If you do nothing to rebuild your smile after tooth loss, you can face several oral health concerns other than limited function. Over time, the teeth adjacent and across from the gap can slowly drift into the empty space. Furthermore, with a missing tooth, you may favor one side of the mouth for chewing food. These changes can cause soreness and muscle fatigue. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder may result, which causes chronic pain in the jaw, neck and head. Additionally, without a tooth to stimulate the jawbone, the bone tissue will naturally begin to shrink and deteriorate as your body sends vital resources elsewhere.
A Unique Restoration
Crowns supported by dental implants are the most permanent and lifelike restoration available for patients who have lost a single tooth. Unlike other solutions, such as traditional dental bridges, an implant-supported crown will restore the entire tooth, from root to crown. A dental implant will act as artificial tooth roots, and a lifelike restoration will be attached to fill the gap in your smile and restore full oral function. Your implant-supported crown can provide a number of life-changing advantages.
Dental implants are biocompatible and can fuse with your jawbone. This process allows the post to become a permanent part of your anatomy, offering unrivaled support for your crown. Because surrounding teeth will not need to support the restoration, you can also preserve more of your natural, healthy smile. In addition, dental implants prevent bone loss because their presence in the jaw takes the place of natural tooth roots and signals the body to continue supporting the jaw with healthy bone growth. These restorations can not only restore your ability to smile, but improve your oral health for years to come.
What to Expect
At your initial consultation, Dr. Goodman will assess your oral and overall medical health. Because dental implants require surgical placement, he must make sure you are healthy enough for surgery. He will also assess your bone density at the proposed site of the implant to determine if you require a bone grafting procedure either before or during implant placement. Dr. Goodman will then refer you to an Oral Surgeon for a consultation and the surgery.
It takes approximately three to six months for your body to integrate the implant into the jawbone. After the implant has successfully fused with the bone, Dr. Goodman can attach your custom crown with an abutment piece or cement it in place. Your new implant-supported restoration will look and feel like the tooth you lost, and will not be susceptible to dental decay.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Do not let missing teeth hold you back and impact your oral health any longer. Contact our office to begin planning your treatment by calling us at (816) 842-8585 or reaching out online.