John P. Goodman DDS

Causes of a Toothache

Nov 14, 2013 @ 03:25 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Toothache Tips General Dentistry

A toothache can be a warning sign of a more serious dental issue. Causes and symptoms of a toothache can range from mild to severe. It is crucial to establish the cause to receive the most effective dental treatment. Even if the pain is mild, it is valuable to take the preventative approach than to let problems worsen and the cost of dental treatments rise. If a toothache occurs, it is important to see a dentist immediately, especially if pain or swelling increases rapidly. 

Possible Cause of a Toothache


Treatment for a Toothache

To receive the proper treatment for a toothache, the first thing to do is to call our friendly dental staff of John P. Goodman, DDS to set up an appointment. In the meantime to relieve pain and as long as it is bearable, try flossing and rinsing with warm salt or cold water to remove anything that may be dislodged. If that doesn't help or pain worsens, use an ice pack to the cheek near the effected area. 

Other pain relief options for a toothache can be found in your pantry or at the local grocery store.opical numbing ointments from the pharmacy can help numb the pain of the surrounding tissues near the tooth. Advil or Tylenol, if recommended by your dentist or doctor, can be used to minimize pain and inflammation. You may be prescribed anti-biotics if a bacterial infection is present, which will also assist to subdue pain. For a natural remedy for a toothache, try chewing on whole cloves or using a cotton swab to dab clove oil or witch hazel to the painful tooth or gums.

If you are suffering from a toothache and seeking dental treatment in Kansas City, contact John P. Goodman, DDS at 816-842-8585 or send us a message to request an appointment.